A Sound Walk by sound artist Katrinem
Sound artist
katrinem developed a path of awareness to explore an individual's experience of space through walking, particularly the interplay between sound events (footsteps) and surrounding architecture. Using the Goethe-Institut Boston as a starting point, a route will be marked: a path of awareness offering a wide variety of opportunities to investigate the act of walking itself, characteristics a footwear and the walkability of urban space along with its architectural and atmospheric qualities.
The main requirement are a moderate walking tempo, a uniformity of movement, and a willingness to open up our auditory perception as much as possible. Let us confront this act of international listening amidst our own gait. The shoes we wear along this way become soloists in space, instruments that enter into a dialog with the environment, provide us with spatial orientation, and locate us in space. Visitors are encouraged to put on their most "sounding" shoes and follow the score!
Performed and recorded by katrinem on May 16, 2017 around 4 pm
For more information and feedback contact:
www. katrinem.de; info@katrinem.de