Video Streaming A Tribute to Joseph Beuys

A Musical Tribute to Joseph Beuys © ČTK/DPA/Bernd Müller

Fri, 10/22/2021

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM


Join us on October 22nd for a live streaming event of a special musical tribute to Joseph Beuys performed by experimental musicians Damon Smith and David Dove and presented by the Goethe Pop Up Houston and Project Row Houses.
The first piece, “Variations on Double Bass, 1961,” was created by Benjamin Patterson, a contemporary of Joseph Beuys, the only African-American founding member of the Fluxus art-movement and will be interpreted by Damon.
The second piece, titled “Ausfegen” (Sweeping Up) was conceived by Damon Smith as a musical tribute to Joseph Beuys’ own performance action of the same name which took place following the 1972 Worker’s Day Demonstrations in Karl-Marx-Platz in West-Berlin. In this action, Joseph Beuys along with two foreign art students, took brooms in hand and swept up the debris left behind by the previous day’s demonstrations. David Dove will join Damon on the trombone.

Damon Smith © Damon Smith Damon Smith plays improvisational double bass and has been influenced by American jazz, visual art, film and dance. Damon has run Balance Point Acoustics record label since 2001,
releasing music focusing on transatlantic collaborations between US
and European musicians.

David Dove © Monica García David Dove is a co-founder and Founding Director of the Houston-based non-profit “Nameless Sound” which supports arts and musical education through work with young people in public schools, community centers, and homeless shelters.
