Book Club German Book Club Reads Shida Bazyar

German Book Club Fall 2019 Goethe-Institut New York


Goethe-Institut New York

At the October German Book Club meeting we will discuss Shida Bazyar's Nachts ist es leise in Teheran (Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2016, €9,99 ISBN: 978-3462050578).

Shida Bazya tells a moving story that begins in 1979 in Teheran and spans four decades into present-day Germany.

In 1979, Behsad, a young communist revolutionary is fighting for a new order after the Shah is exiled. He tells of clandestine activities, of an electrifying hope and how he discovers the love of his life in book-lover Nahid. 1989, in Germany: Behsad and Nahid escaped with their children after the mullahs seized power. Hours are spent listening to the radio in the hope of hearing news from friends who have gone into hiding. They want to return at all costs, yet at the same time, they must try to make their home in a new and strange land. In 1999, their daughter Laleh visits Tehran with her mother for the first time after their escape. Amid “kafishaps”, beauty rituals, and whispered secrets, Laleh discovers a country that has little in common with her childhood memories. In 2009, her brother Mo is watching the tame student demonstrations in Germany unfold with amusement, when the Green Movement breaks out in Tehran and his life is suddenly turned upside down.

Shida Bazyar has written a captivating and tender mosaic of family life, as well as a highly topical, evocative novel about revolution, oppression, resistance, and the absolute desire for freedom.

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