Conversation Architectures of Inclusion and Exclusion: Luísa Sol & Tatiana Bilbao


Goethe-Institut New York

In this conversation, architect and researcher Luísa Sol and her mentor in the Forecast international mentorship program, architect Tatiana Bilbao, discuss their project "Architectures of Inclusion and Exclusion: Reflections on its Broadcasted Image and Storytelling Possible Changes." 
Registration The screened image is omnipresent and constitutes a historical legacy of the represented architecture over time: its dreams and fantasies, but also its stereotypes, its discrepancies, its inequalities, and segregations. Aiming to understand the Home in its most plural meaning, and counteract the Home as a stable, protective, welcoming structure, this project purposes an installation containing a large atlas in form of a huge collage of the audiovisual imaginary.

This research of images, ideas and stories aim to establish a critical look with the filter of “visibilities” vs “invisibilities” present in these set of images. Allowing simultaneously a set of constellations, open narratives, and discourses about the representation of the Home/House, also considering the un- representations present in this storytelling of domesticity. Considering the broadcasted image as a space of fiction that also testifies to what it does not show, the images of these various conceptions of what can be called Home, intend to detect and reflect on invisibilities and un-representations but also for the demand for a wider and more favorable narration to everyone.

The proposed Atlas will consist in the set of conclusions, speculations and new questions that have emerged in this process of re-formulation and re-referencing of Architecture and its representations, looking at the screen and the audiovisual image with the capacity to understand its power to reorganize the world and to create a counter-narrative.

This program is organized in partnership with Forecast, an interdisciplinary network for knowledge transfer. The research is part of a conversation between Luísa Sol and Tatiana Bilbao in the framework of Forecast’s international mentorship program. The results will be presented at the Forecast Festival in radialsystem, Berlin on April 8 & 9, 2022. More information:

Luísa Sol finished her PhD in Architecture with the project “The Image of the City and its Represented-Space in 80’s Music Videos: North-American Interferences in Contemporary Architecture Culture.”S he worked as an architect at Triptyque Arquitetos (São Paulo, Brazil) and at Aires Mateus & Associados (Lisbon). She has written for academic and non-academic publications on the enormous public space inaugurated by the television screen, where she explores the urban and domestic spaces by assessing the repercussions of architecture on audiovisual representations and vice-versa. Her interests lie in the period between post-modernity and the present day and focus on issues related to gender, feminism, housing rights, and the various inequalities defined by the consumer economies of the landscapes built by global capitalism.

Tatiana Bilbao began her architecture studio in 2004 with the aim of integrating social values, collaboration, and sensitive design approaches to architectural work. Prior to founding her firm, Bilbao was an Advisor in the Ministry of Development and Housing of the Government of the Federal District of Mexico City, and during this period she was part of the General Development Directorate of the Advisory Council for Urban Development in the City. She teaches at Yale University and has taught at prestigious architecture programs in the U.S., Europe, and South America. Her writing has been published in The New York Times and A + U, Domus, among others. She is the recipient of numerous pries, including the Kunstpreis Berlin in 2012 and the Marcus Prize Award 2019.
