Book Club German Book Club Reads Esther Kinsky

Sommerfrische by Esther Kinsky Matthes & Seitz Verlag


Goethe-Institut New York

At the June German Book Club meeting, we will discuss Esther Kinsky's Sommerfrische (Matthes & Seitz Verlag, 2009. ISBN: 3882217227. 16,80€).

Üdülö, a Hungarian vacation destination on a river, is a yearly place of refuge from unbearable summer heat.  It is a place of longing, that promises relief and awakens dreams of love and freedom.  Üdülö means something different to everyone.  But when a woman from abroad seeks to fulfill her dreams of another life, confusion interrupts the normal flow of things. The refrain of a folk song, "don't leave home in haste" is stuck in her head, and yet she ignores its warning.  

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