Book Club German Book Club Reads Jenny Erpenbeck

GBC_18 © Goethe-Institut New York


Goethe-Institut New York

At the February German Book Club meeting we will discuss Jenny Erpenbeck's Gehen, ging, gegangen (Albrecht Knaus Verlag, ISBN: 978-3328101185, € 10,00)

How can one bear the passing of time when one is forced to into idleness? Richard, emeritus professor, in a chance encounter with asylum seekers on Oranienplatz, comes up with the idea to look for the answer to his questions where no one else is looking: with one of the young refugees from Africa that is stranded in Berlin and committed to years of waiting. 

In her inimitable style, Jenny Erpenbeck tells a story of looking away and looking closely, of death and war, of forever waiting, and of everything that remains hidden under the surface.

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