Art Exhibition Hornbeam Hub: Nodes, Roots, and Rhizospheres

Hornbeam Hub: Nodes, Roots, and Rhizospheres © Jean Schmitt

Fri, 05/06/2022 -
Fri, 05/20/2022

Goethe Pop Up Kansas City

New work by artist Jean Schmitt that casts a spotlight on the urban tree network in Kansas City!

Jean Schmitt is a Crossroads-based visual artist deeply committed to how art and design can convene and support diverse, resilient, and sustainable communities. For the Pop Up, she has created a sculpture based on a botanical drawing of a Hornbeam root system and node-link diagram. Entitled Hornbeam Hub: Nodes, Roots, and Rhizospheres, Schmitt’s piece will be installed on a wall facing the location where a tree - an American Hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana) - will be planted. This planting is part of a climate resilience initiative that aims to raise the tree canopy in the Crossroads. Hornbeam Hub is a celebration of the many people and organizations behind the seemingly simple act of getting a tree into the ground.

The exhibition is open to the public at the Pop Up from May 6-13. We invite visitors to share their thoughts and commitments on how best to combat climate change as part of an interactive component of the exhibition.
We also welcome you to join us for a conversation on May 11 about connecting art with urban resiliency initiatives in Kansas City.

