Serious Games: Documentary Art between Fact and Fiction

Serious Games © Harun Farocki © Harun Farocki

Various cinematic genres and movements over the years have laid claim to truth in cinema — the actualités of the Lumière brothers, Kino-Pravda espoused by Dziga Vertov, the “ethnofiction” anthropological films of Jean Rouch, and the “ecstatic truth” of Werner Herzog’s documentaries are but a few examples. Although the documentary is still a viable cinematic genre, many filmmakers have now expanded the range of their practice to create works that cross between art and anthropology, documentary and fiction, education and entertainment, and galleries and movie theaters.

Serious Games: Documentary Art between Fact and Fiction explores a cross section of documentary practice by German filmmakers and artists focusing on the subject of war and conflict. Blurring the boundaries between fact and fiction, these works also demonstrate the fluidity of exhibition practice between the black box of the cinema and the white cube of the gallery. Presented in association with the National Gallery of Art, with special thanks to Zach Feldman for organizing the program.


Saturday, September 7, 2019, 12:00pm
National Gallery of Art
East Building Auditorium
Werner Herzog’s Lessons of Darkness (Lektionen in Finsternis) (1992)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019, 6:30 pm
Goethe-Institut Washington
Harun Farocki’s War at a Distance (Erkennen und Verfolgen) (2003) and Serious Games I-IV (2009-2010)

Saturday, September 14, 2019, 12:30pm
National Gallery of Art
East Building Auditorium
Mario Pfeifer‘s Again / Noch Einmal (2018)
Followed by a discussion with Mario Pfeifer, Lutz Koepnick, Nora M. Alter, and Zach Feldman

Saturday, September 28, 2019, 1:00pm
National Gallery of Art
East Building Auditorium
Hito Steyerl‘s November (2004) and In Free Fall (2010)
