Film Festival Film Noise: On Film with Ruth Toma, David Dietl & Andreas Höfer

Film Noise © Bertold Fabricius, Conny Klein, H. Swoboda © Bertold Fabricius, Conny Klein, H. Swoboda

Sat, 11/16/2019

4:15 PM

Landmark's E Street Cinema

For the first time in 27 years, we are introducing a roundtable discussion featuring all three special guests to Film|Neu, our annual film festival celebrating contemporary German-language cinema. Film Noise, a conversation about filmmaking, film festivals, and the film industry, places distinguished figures from the world of German-language film in dialogue.

Moderated by Sky Sitney, co-director of Double Exposure Film Festival, Film Noise will spotlight this year’s special guests: Ruth Toma, screenwriter of opening film All About Me (Der Junge muss an die frische Luft); David Dietl, documentary filmmaker of Saturday night’s film Berlin Bouncer; and Andreas Höfer, cinematographer of closing film Gundermann.

The dialogue will open up to a Q&A with the panel.
