Panel Discussion Queer/ing Archives

Queer/ing Archives © Botts Collection, JD Doyle Archive, Spinnboden, Schwules Museum

Fri, 09/04/2020

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Join us for a conversation on LGBTIQ+ archives and archival practices with perspectives from Houston and Berlin. Our guests include Dr. Peter Rehberg, Head of Archive and Collections at the Schwules Museum Berlin; Lara Ledwa, Gender Studies scholar and researcher at the Spinnboden Lesbian Archive and Library Berlin; Harrison Guy, founder of the Charles Law Community Archive at the African American Library at the Gregory School; and Emily Vinson, audiovisual archivist and curator at the University of Houston Libraries. The conversation will be moderated by Dr. Brian Riedel, Associate Director for the Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Rice University.  
This event takes place September 4, 11AM PDT via Zoom and Facebook Live. Please register in advance at the link below to join the Zoom session. To tune in on Facebook Live, visit our page here.
Presented as part of QUEER AS GERMAN FOLK, a project that took the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprisings as an occasion to examine the current status of the gender diversity discourse on the basis of the history of the Queer Movement. 
