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Thomas Strasser: 20 Sept. 2022, 12:00 (IST)
KI or KO?

On the role of (language) teachers in the age of AI

Language: German

What are the pedagogical and moral implications of using artificial intelligence in language learning and teaching? This paper provides an overview of ways in which to use AI-based systems in language teaching and presents a number of so-called “weak” AI applications and systems for specific language teaching and learning scenarios.
A review of the latest research in the field of AI and language learning processes forms the basis for discussion of the following questions:

  • What are the possibilities and limitations of AI in language teaching?
  • What is the teacher’s role in an AI-based language-learning context?
  • What are the long-term developments to which language teachers will need to adapt?
  • How can AI-driven learning videos help to improve productive and receptive skills?
  • How can exercises be improved by means of intelligent error analysis, intelligent feedback and scaffolding?
  • How can AI support feedback from language teachers?
  • And what about AI translation tools?

Thomas Strasser is a professor of foreign language didactics and technology-aided teaching and learning at the University College of Teacher Education in Vienna. He is also an educationalist in the fields of media and methodology, a language teacher, teacher trainer, scientific expert and consultant to various international educational institutions, and the author of (text)books and numerous articles.

