Exhibition with / against the flow

with / against the flow © ifa - Pressephoto

Sat, 16.02.2019 -
Fri, 29.03.2019

Gallery MMB

Contemporary Photographic Interventions: Viktoria Binschtok and Michael Schäfer

Preview: February 15, 6.30 pm

With works by Viktoria Binschtok and Michael Schäfer, this exhibition presents two photographers whose work reflects in different ways the world of media images and the ‘digital turn’. While Michael Schäfer analyses images from the news and from entertainment, Viktoria Binschtok takes a look at new channels and functions of communication via images in the internet age. Both photographers thus continue in the tradition of a strong artistic interest in the mass media which began in the 1970s.
Curated by Florian Ebner, Christin Müller. An exhibition by the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IfA)
