August 28, 2019
The Big Pond #43: Under the Skin – Tattoo Artists

© Goethe-Institut e. V.

It seems like there are more people nowadays with tattoos than there used to be – some of the body art is hidden, but most is quite visible. Men and women alike have black, gray and colorful designs covering their arms, legs, or even their entire bodies. Our producer Anne-Rose Heck tries to find out more about how this phenomenon is spreading across both sides of the Atlantic.

Eight million Germans already have tattoos and the trend seems to be growing. To understand this phenomenon, Anne-Rose Heck heads to the Max Ernst Museum in Brühl, Germany where she visits a retrospective of American artist Ruth Marten. To supplement her income as an artist, Marten became one of the first female tattoo artists in New York in the 1970s – back then, tattooing was still illegal, which she says made it even more fun.

Anne-Rose Heck also visits The Art of the Needle, a tattoo studio in Brühl run by German Dirk McKay-Horst and American Matt Roscoe who muse about the differences between tattoo studios in Germany and the US, about the changes the tattoo industry has undergone over the decades and about current trends. Listen to find out more.

Music: “Mika”, “Quartier” and “Gelato” by Matthias Maschwitz, courtesy by the artist

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