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Cultural and Creative Industries

The world over, the cultural and creative sector is an engine that shapes social change. Promoting the cultural and creative industries according to local needs is therefore a central field of action for the Goethe-Institut. We train, advise and network creative professionals and support the development of sustainable infrastructures. The Goethe-Institut strengthens the cultural sector and thus opens up access to culture and education through further education measures for cultural entrepreneurs, through assistance in the internationalisation of creative businesses and through the provision of (co-)production structures. 

Current Projects of the Goethe-Institut

EU4Culture Foto: Ian Dooley / Unsplash

Eastern Europe

EU4Culture is a four-year project funded by the European Union to assist cities in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region in developing and implementing their Cultural Development Strategies following the model of the European Capitals of Culture.

House of Europe © Goethe-Institut

House of Europe

House of Europe is an EU-funded programme fostering professional and creative exchange between Ukrainians and their colleagues in EU countries and the UK. The programme focuses on different professional fields: culture and creative industries, education and youth work, social entrepreneurship, and media.

Logo Unternehmen START © Institut français Deutschland / Goethe-Institut Paris

Unternehmen – START

With the project Unternehmen - START, the Goethe-Institutes in France and the Institut français Germany are creating the largest Franco-German exchange platform in the field of cultural and creative industries (CCIs).

Cities Ahead Banner © Goethe-Institut

Cities Ahead

Cities Ahead is a European programme initiated by the Goethe-Institut that promotes the transformation of creative places. Its aim is to transform the city into an ideal ecosystem for culture and creativity, harnessing its full potential for global dissemination and international cultural cooperation.

Creative Flip

Creative FLIP

Creative FLIP - Finance, Learning, Innovation and Patenting is an EU co-funded pilot project whose main objective is to promote sound and sustainable ecosystems for the cultural and creative industries in relation to these four key policy areas.

The platform Creatives Unite © Goethe-Intitut

Creatives Unite

Creatives Unite is a platform by the cultural & creative sectors for the cultural & creative sectors that gathers in all initiatives and information related to the CCI sector in the EU with respect to response to the COVID crisis.

Startbild Photo: Goethe-Institut/Creative Ports

Baltic Sea Region
CCI Contact Desk

The Culture and Creative Industries (CCI) Contact Desk was established as part of the Interreg project Creative Ports, which ran from 2019 to 2022. The aim of the project was to promote the internationalization and collaborative value creation of the cultural and creative industries in the Baltic Sea region.

Project Cultural and Creative Industries

The project Cultural and Creative Industries is jointly implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the Goethe-Institut on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It improves employment and income opportunities for creative professionals in six partner countries: Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Kenya, Senegal, and South Africa and operates mainly in the music, fashion, design and animation sectors. In addition to promoting the development of entrepreneurial, digital, creative and technical skills through training programmes, the project aims to strengthen the framework conditions and the ecosystem of the cultural and creative industries.

FANTASMEEM Libanon Photo: Goethe-Institut Lebanon /Alia Haju


Creative entrepreneurship, network building and (continuing) qualification of Lebanese designers with the goal of acting as multipliers within their scene are the main focus of FANTASMEEM.

Takween creative space Photo: Goethe-Institut Jordanien


Creating, creating, developing together - young designers and creative entrepreneurs in Jordan are supported by various learning opportunities to build networks, establish cooperation and become creative together.

KHAN AL FAN Photo: X-Line


With its KHAN AL FAN project, the Goethe-Institut Iraq is promoting the emerging market of cultural and creative industries, the entrepreneurial and political perception of the sector, and the development of employment prospects in Iraq.

Son et Création au Senegal, Goethe-Institut Dakar Photo: Goethe-Institut Sénégal / Stéphanie Nikolaïdis

Cultural and Creative Industries in Senegal

Goethe-Institut Senegal offers sustainable training for professionals from various cultural fields, especially music, fashion and journalism.

Jenga CCI Kenia Photo: Goethe-Institut /Lamek Orina


The sustainable expansion and promotion of the cultural and creative industries in Kenya is strengthened by means of integrative educational and promotional offers, e.g. for the qualification and development of different business models.

Cultural Entrepreneurship Platform © Thabang Radebe

South Africa
Cav’ Platform

The Cav’ Platform project aims to coordinate the CCI through networking and creating possibilities for the visibility of the Industry, as well as for the CCI ecosystem to recognise each other and the work the various parts are doing to further develop the industry.

Cultural Economies in Townships Photo: Tim Moolman

South Africa
Cav’ Townships

To counteract high youth unemployment, this programme implements formats for the development of concrete career perspectives in the creative sector in close cooperation with local actors.

More about Cultural and Creative Industries Support Programmes at the Goethe-Institut

Working Paper of the Goethe-Institut and the network of support institutions for in the CCI on “Internationalisation in the CCI“

© Goethe-Institut

Cultural and Creative Industries Promotion of the Goethe-Institut in the Region North Africa and Middle East

Manual for the establishment of Cultural Entrepreneurship Hubs

​​​​​​​Factsheet on the Cultural and Creative Industries Project, which the Goethe-Institut and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH jointly implement on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Factsheet on the Cultural and Creative Industries Project, which the Goethe-Institut and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH jointly implement on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
© Goethe-Institut


Nico Degenkolb
Goethe-Institut Zentrale
Tel. +49 89 1592 1436

Imke Grimmer
Goethe-Institut Zentrale
