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Kulturförderung in den Ländern der Östlichen Partnerschaft

Das Goethe-Institut leitet ein Work Package des Projektes EU4Dialogue innerhalb der 3. Komponente (Bildung und Kultur), die wiederum vom DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) geleitet wird.

Das Goethe-Institut ist innerhalb des Work Packages für Kunst und Kultur in einem Konsortium mit dem Deutschen Archäologischen Institut, Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality (Dublin) und der Nationalbibliothek Lettland.

Das Projekt EU4Dialogue zielt vorrangig auf persönliche Kontakte und Vernetzung im Südkaukasus und der Republik Moldau ab, um den Dialog durch Bildung, Kultur und professionellen Austausch zu fördern. Das Projekt begann im Mai 2021, und endet im April 2025.

City, Urban Space and Architecture Goethe-Institut

Open Call for cultural managers from South Caucasus and Republic of Moldova


Application deadline: May 8th 2024
Academy Time-Frame: 28 June - 7 July 2024 in Tbilisi, Georgia

Professional Programme for Publishers Foto: Goethe-Institut

Professional Programme for Publishers

16-20 October, 2023
EU4Dialogue/ Goethe-Institute Georgien / Frankfurter Buchmesse


EU4Dialogue EU4Dialogue

Broadcasting Culture - Open Call for Videos!

Tender for short films or videos from the South Caucasus and the Republic of Moldova, including conflict-affected regions for the new “Broadcasting Culture” web video platform of the Goethe-Institut (EU4Dialogue).

EU4Dialogue EU4Dialogue

Open Call for writers and illustrators

Tangerines and Spices II

In the framework of the project EU4Dialogue, Goethe-Institut is calling for writers and illustrators from Azerbaijan for the interdisciplinary residency in Tbilisi.

EU4Dialogue - Call for 1st Cultural Management Academy EU4Dialogue

04.05. - 29.05.2022
EU4Dialogue - Call for 1st Cultural Management Academy

In the framework of the project EU4Dialogue, Goethe-Institut is calling for cultural managers and professionals from South Caucasus and the Republic of Moldova for the first Cultural Management Academy.

EU4Dialogue EU4Dialogue

20.05.2022 - 05.06.2022
EU4DIALOGUE - Open Call for Writers and Illustrators

EU4Dialogue is calling for writers and illustrators from the South Caucasus (including conflict-affected regions) for the interdisciplinary residency in Dilijan and Yerevan, June 2022.

EU4Dialogue EU4Dialogue

16.03. - 31.03.2022
Open Call: Interregional Women's Film Festival Gathering

EU4Dialogue is calling for organizers of small film festivals, film industry professionals and women’s rights activists with an interest in film and representation of women’s and queer topics.

Writer's House Georgia Writers' House Georgia

29.10. - 15.11.2022
Open Call: Potographers in Residence

In the framework of the EU-funded project EU4Dialogue, Goethe-Institut Georgia invites photographers working on social issues to take part in a one-week residency in Tbilisi, Georgia.
