The opening of the first PASCH school in Myanmar

Group Photo PASCH-Team
© Brainworks Total School

​The Goethe-Institut Myanmar and Brainworks International School celebrated the signing of the PASCH agreement on Monday, November 27, 2017.

German lessons at Brainworks International School started in 2016 with 33 students. In 2017 the number of German learners rose to around 100, and the trend is rising. The success of the first year is also reflected in the exam results: all examiners successfully passed the "FIT in Deutsch 1" exam in October 2017 and received their certificates during the PASCH ceremony.

The highlight of the event was the signing of the PASCH agreement between Mr. Augustin, Director of the Goethe-Institut Myanmar, and Mr. Mohan Aiyer, Principal of the school.  The subsequent presentation of the PASCH plaque sealed that the school is now officially accepted into the worldwide PASCH network. 

In their speeches, both Mr. Aiyer and Mr. Augustin emphasized the importance of this great day, which made Brainworks International School the first PASCH school in Myanmar. Mr. Aiyer praised the cooperation with the Goethe-Institut and underlined that the German language should be introduced at other locations of the school in the future.

The event was accompanied by singing, dancing and acting German students of the school. The applause was particularly high for the secondary school students, who performed a Bavarian folk dance dressed in Dirndl and "Lederhosen". The rehearsed choreography impressed the audience. The Chancellor of the German Embassy in Yangon, Mrs. Silke Grunow, the Head of the Language Department of the Goethe-Institut, Dr. Suzan Radwan, as well as the PASCH Coordinator of the Goethe-Institut Myanmar, Mrs. Petra Kühl, were impressed by the artistic performances of the German students.

The wonderful conclusion of an all-round successful celebration was a typical German buffet - including Apfelstrudel and Brezeln.
