Felix Deufel
Listening in 3D:
Media artist, Felix Deufel plans to capture the city’s soundscape, lead a 3D audio workshop, and present audiovisual performances in collaboration with local artists. Field recordings are his daily life - in Bangalore too.
Felix Deufel studied Digital Media Sound at the University of Applied Science Darmstadt and graduated with a BA in 2012 with his media installation Panopticum der Postmoderne. In 2015, he earned his MA in Leadership in the Creative Industries with the collaborative project, Clink, an interactive, 3D audiovisual environment. During his studies Felix worked as a Beta Tester for the 3D Audio System
© Felix Deufel
Spatial Sound Wave (SSW) at the Fraunhofer IDMT and participated with prize-winning projects in Fulldome Festivals. Ever since, he works intensively with 3D Audio as format and medium for different purposes.
In 2012 he founded the artist collective Ciao Kakao in Darmstadt and club and venue tour with the interactive light installation Alienature, 2013/14 artist-in-residence at House of Natural Fiber (HONF) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia – projects, among others: Laszlo ambient/noise performances, Acrobotics, interactive bio hacking exhibition in collaboration with HONF in Jakarta, and Im Walde, interactive, audiovisual installation at Proto:type Y2014, Yogyakarta.
Since 2013 close collaboration with Paul Schengber as Wisp Kollektiv. Their first work was ClinK, where interactive behaviours of spectators, in respect of 3D audio and 3D visual surroundings were explored and tested. The installation was among others shown on Node Forum for Digital Arts 2015 in Frankfurt and on Wisp Microfestival for Digital Arts in Leipzig.
In 2016, Felix and Paul Schengber founded the Wisp Festival for Arts, Technology and Communication in Leipzig. The leitmotiv The stranger within us is based on Arno Gruen`s lecture about the loss of empathy in society. This subject was addressed and interpreted in several workshops, lectures, performances, concerts and an exhibition by more than 70 international artists.
During the bangaloREsidency, Felix will lead a 3D audio workshop, work out audiovisual performances in collaboration with different artists and present them in a public event. The technical focus should neither dominate, nor force the artistic approach fade into the background, but enrich the artistic ways of expression as a new stylistic device. Field recordings are his daily life and in Bangalore too, Felix wants to capture the city soundwise. The recordings will be presented in a spatial audio performance or installation.