STEM – Content learning in German – with CLIL

CILiG Foto und Logo Foto: Goethe-Institut/Bernhard Ludewig, Logo: Astrid Sitz

Efficient and contemporary subject instruction in German

To teach subject specific knowledge and a foreign language within the same lesson is the aim of new teaching methods such as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). Apart from geography and art, especially the STEM-subjects science, technology, engineering and mathematics are perfectly suited for this future-oriented educational approach.

Calliope mini © Goethe-Institut / Anton Bodunow

Robotik auf Deutsch

Das Thema Robotik ist längst in der deutschen Schullandschaft angekommen und ist auch für den DaF-Unterricht interessant. Erfahrungen der Goethe-Instiute mit dem Mikrocontroller Calliope mini.

Science Film Festival Goethe-Institut Alexandria / Yosra El-Mallah

Das Science Film Festival – Naturwissenschaftliches für den DaF-Unterricht

Das Science Film Festival des Goethe-Instituts macht Wissenschaft einem breiten Publikum zugänglich. Und zwar über Filme – auf unterhaltsame, kreative, spannende und immer lehrreiche Weise. Schwierige Inhalte werden leicht verständlich präsentiert.

Labor Michal Jarmoluk / Pixabay

Dossier MINT-Bildung

Das Dossier des Deutschen Bildungsservers bietet eine strukturierte Linksammlung zu zahlreichen Initiativen und Projekten auf Bundes- und Länderebene, die versuchen, die Attraktivität der MINT-Fächer zu steigern und das Interesse von Kindern und Jugendlichen für eine spätere Qualifizierung und Berufstätigkeit auf diesem Gebiet zu wecken.



The world is becoming increasingly digitized and technology-oriented. Specialists are needed everywhere, especially in STEM subjects . For example, there will apparently be excellent career opportunities for many thousands of engineers in the coming years and decades in Germany alone. However, this requires not only specialist expertise, but also German language skills, that is to say a command of both technical and everyday German. 

As yet, however, there is no generally applicable concept for content and language integrated learning. Depending on the objectives, available resources and other circumstances in a particular educational scenario, all kinds of different ways of designing and implementing CLIL(iG) are conceivable. In German schools, for example, it is now common to combine geography with English. Robotics courses are also extremely popular – yet CLIL is possible in all school subjects. One thing that is always true is that it is worth beginning by taking small steps.

Magazine CLIL


Studienberatung Foto: Goethe-Institut/ Bernhard Ludewig

How do i teach CLIL?

Depending on how content teaching is to be interwoven with language teaching in the classroom, lesson planning will need to reflect the framework conditions and the respective target group. Advance and long-term consideration must be given not only to the learning environment and its underlying conditions, but also to methodological and didactic principles such as questions concerning progression, learning content and strategies (among other things). The fundamental theses which the Central and Eastern European branches of the Goethe-Institut have developed in this context provide a good initial orientation.

Learning environments with CLIL

As linguistic and cultural heterogeneity increases in today’s educational landscape, different ways of teaching content in a foreign language or indeed of incorporating subject content into language lessons are being developed.

Didactics and methodology in clilig teaching

To date, there has been no description of the didactical and methodological principles of CLIL teaching, and thus also no classification of practical hints when it comes to justifying action and learning goals, skills and the linguistic impact of the corresponding CLIL subjects.