On the basis of an open call and jury selection, the three-day Urban Media Art Academy (UMAA) Ideas & Concepts Workshop invites participating artists to present and further develop their urban media artwork proposals through workshop sessions, poster presentations and public panels. Following an Urban Media Art Academy program in Bangkok in April 2017, artwork proposals were submitted in response to the theme Emotional Transitions, evoking the questions: How can urban media art ‘reveal’ and reflect the emotional transitions of a city in relationship to its citizens? How can it facilitate human emotion to affect the urban scale – perhaps in collective, shared experiences?
The invited project proposals span across a light and weather sculpture, a real-time interactive screen installation, a telepresent community project, an interactive light installation, a data visualization project, and an artificial intelligence installation. We congratulate Titirat Skultantimayta, Bank Ngamarunchot, Pat Pataranutaporn, Sornchai Chatviriyachai, Phatharita Thassanaraphan, Kristina Mah, Luke Hespanhol, Naween Noppakun and Marcelo von Schwartz on the acceptance of their project proposals for the Ideas & Concepts Workshop. The invited projects will be exhibited as poster presentations in the framework of the Bangkok Design Week with the ambition of potential realization in the local and international partner network of the Urban Media Art Academy.
The UMAA Ideas & Concepts Workshop is hosted and realized by the Goethe-Institut Thailand at the Thailand Creative & Design Center (TCDC) in collaboration with the Bangkok Arts and Culture Centre (BACC) and the King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi/ Esic Lab and the international partners Public Art Lab, Connecting Cities in the framework of Future DiverCities/ European Union.
The Urban Media Art Academy is conceived as a networked academy that investigates and intermediates What Urban Media Art Can Do - why when where and how – for people, communities, society, our cities and future environments. The Academy acts as a networked platform for facilitating programs and inquiries for knowledge, learning and practice with urban media art. It is founded and directed by Susa Pop and Tanya Toft Ag and developed in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Thailand.